Arthroscopic Meniscus Treatment (Orthopaedic Knee Surgery)

The meniscus (knee discs) are two semicircular pieces of knee cartilage located between the femur (thigh bone) and tibia (shin bone). It acts as shock absorber and provides agile knee movement. Injuries to the meniscus are often caused by accidents or sports in young patients or by degeneration in the elderly. Meniscus tear can cause knee pain, knee swelling, difficulty bending, or popping in the knee. 

2 main treatment options for meniscus tear, depending on its severity 

  • Non-surgical treatment: Often used in patients with mild symptoms. Non-surgical treatment includes painkillers, muscle relaxants, physical therapy or steroid injections. 
  • Surgical treatment: Often used in patients with severe symptoms or in cases where non-surgical treatments are ineffective. The torn meniscus is repaired by placing stitches to hold it in place. 

Arthroscopic Meniscus Treatment is a minimally invasive surgery that uses a tiny camera to look inside the knee joint. This lessens the possibility of damage to adjacent tissue by enabling the surgeon to see the operative site more clearly.  


  • Partial meniscus tear 
  • Complete meniscus tear in the ideal location for arthroscopic meniscus treatment 
  • Meniscus tear along with other conditions such as torn ligaments, osteoarthritis 

Preparation For Surgery 

For the purposes of symptom assessment and surgery planning, patients must undergo additional physical examinations such as computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging prior to surgery. 

Patients should start their physical therapy as soon as possible to shorten the recovery period. This program should emphasize knee bending and stretching to prevent frozen knee, as well as thigh muscle exercise to prevent muscular atrophy. 

Surgical Procedure 

Arthroscopic meniscus surgery takes about 1-2 hours. During the surgery, a surgeon makes an incision only about 2-3 centimeters in the knee. An arthroscope and small instruments are then inserted into the knee in order to repair the torn meniscus by placing stitches to hold it in place. 

Postoperative Self-Care 

After surgery, the patient needs to stay in the hospital for approximately 1-2 days to recover. The doctor will schedule check-ups and follow-ups with patient periodically. Postoperative self-care is as follows. 

  • Strictly follow your doctor’s instructions 
  • Elevate your legs above your heart to reduce swelling 
  • Apply a cold compress to the hip every 4-6 hours to reduce swelling and pain 
  • Use the crutches to support your weight while walking according to your doctor’s advice 
  • Take your medicine as prescribed  
  • Learn exercises to the muscles around the knee as recommended by your doctor 

Potential Postoperative Complications 

  • Knee pain 
  • Swelling 
  • Bruises 
  • Infection 
  • Entrapment neuropathy  
  • Bleeding 
  • Frozen knee  

Postoperative Recovery 

The recovery period after arthroscopic meniscus surgery depends on the severity of condition. Patients are generally able to walk without support after approximately 6-8 weeks and can resume their work or other normal activities within 3-6 months. 


  • Small incision with shorter recovery period 
  • Clear vision of surgical area lessens the possibility of damage to adjacent tissue 
  • Better results, allowing most patients to resume their normal lives 


  • Higher cost compared to open surgery with a large incision 
  • Patients may experience slight knee pain after surgery 

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